The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) inspects boilers and pressure vessels.
Please have the following information on hand when scheduling an inspection:
Device owner’s legal name and address
Device information (CRN, inventory number)
Billing company name, address, and address for the inspection.
Contact name, email, and telephone number.
Name of the TSSA inspector who has inspected the inspection site, if applicable.
Any special safety training required to access the inspection site.
For information on related inspection fees, please see the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Fee Schedule.
These inspection requests must be submitted through the TSSA Client Portal.
Complete the Hot Tap and Periodic Inspection Request form and email the completed form to
Complete the BPV Piping Inspection Request Form (pdf).
Email the completed form to
To schedule an installation inspection for a new BPV or if your insurance company has requested to schedule an installation inspection for an existing BPV, follow these steps:
Go to the TSSA Client Portal to submit your request. Please ensure the device owner’s name is correct as the Certificate of Inspection will be issued in the name of the device owner.
Prepayment will be processed through the TSSA Client Portal. Please note that the payment now include the fees for the Certificate of Inspection. Wire transfer, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and cheque will be scheduled after it has been received and processed.
For sites on Federal property or where federally regulated activity is taking place, please contact to establish or renew a contract with TSSA. Once contract has been established, please email the inspection request form attached with your contract to
For sites on Reserve or Indigenous Lands, written consent from the Chief of the Reserve or Indigenous Land permitting TSSA to inspect must be obtained before inspection services can be provided. Once you have written consent, please submit the consent form to The Inspection Scheduling Department will provide the necessary forms required for your inspection.
There is no change to the inspection scheduling process for BPV inspections conducted by an insurer. TSSA inspects only uninsured BPV devices. For insured devices requiring periodic inspections or for repairs of devices, please contact your insurer to schedule an inspection of your device.
Once you have submitted your request through the TSSA Client Portal or emailed your inspection request form, the Inspection Scheduling Department will send you a confirmation email with the work order number, confirmation of the type of inspection, date of inspection, location, inspector name and contact number.
Inspectors are assigned based on the type of inspection, inspector availability, and the location of the inspection.
If you have technical questions about a scheduled inspection, please contact the scheduled inspector and provide the work order number. Or send an email to
If you have any questions related to scheduling your inspection, contact TSSA’s inspection scheduling team, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
• Email:
• Toll-free: 1-833-937-8772
Our inspection scheduling team responds to calls during regular business hours in the order in which they are received. Response to emailed inspection requests can be expected within one business day.
For emergency incidents relating to boilers, pressure vessels and Operating Engineers, contact the Spills Action Centre (SAC) 1-800-268-6060, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need immediate help from police, fire department or ambulance, call 911.