Corporate Reporting

The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) produces a variety of corporate reports about our operations and the state of safety in Ontario.

The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) produces a variety of corporate reports about our operations and the state of safety in Ontario.

Annual Report

TSSA’s Annual Report shows how our organization is moving towards the goals outlined in our Business and Strategic Plans and includes the audited financial statements for the fiscal year. 

Our Annual Report helps clients, key stakeholders, and members of the public better understand the organization and our accomplishments.

TSSA Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023 (pdf)

Previous annual reports

TSSA Annual Report Fiscal Year 2022 (pdf)

TSSA Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021 (pdf)

TSSA Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020 (pdf)

Public Safety at a Glance Dashboard

TSSA is working to simplify its data about public safety, making it more user-friendly and easier to understand. We created the Public Safety at a Glance Dashboard to illustrate and explain annual public safety data.

TSSA Public Safety at a Glance Dashboard - 2023 (pdf)

Previous Public Safety at a Glance Dashboards

TSSA Public Safety at a Glance Dashboard - 2022 (pdf)

TSSA Public Safety at a Glance Dashboard - 2021 (pdf)

TSSA Public Safety at a Glance Dashboard - 2020 (pdf)

Public Safety Report

The Annual Public Safety Report provides a review of public safety trends in Ontario for each of the industries regulated by TSSA as well as a summary and analysis of the safety data we collect. Insights and case studies illustrate key lessons for industry and the public. 

Each year the Annual Public Safety Report is published as three separate documents:

  • the main Public Safety Report;

  • the Data Tables; and

  • the Technical Appendices that support the summaries in the main report


TSSA Public Safety Report 2023 (pdf)

Data Tables and Appendices - TSSA Public Safety Report 2023 (pdf)

Previous Public Safety Reports


TSSA Public Safety Report 2022 (pdf)

Data Tables - TSSA Public Safety Report 2022 (pdf)

Technical Appendices - TSSA Public Safety Report 2022 (pdf) 


TSSA Public Safety Report 2021 (pdf)

Data Tables - TSSA Public Safety Report 2021 (pdf)

Technical Appendices - TSSA Public Safety Report 2021 (pdf)


TSSA Public Safety Report 2020 (pdf)

Data Tables - TSSA Public Safety Report 2020 (pdf)

Technical Appendices - TSSA Public Safety Report 2020 (pdf)

Safety and Risk Officer’s Reports

The Safety and Risk Officer is responsible for reviewing TSSA's Annual Safety performance report for accuracy. The Safety and Risk Officer will also review and analyze any safety matters that she/he, the TSSA Board or the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery identifies as being in the public interest. Please find recent Safety and Risk Officer reports below. 


Review of the Public Safety Report 2023

Annual Report of Safety and Risk Officer 2023

Previous Reports by Safety and Risk Officer


Review of the Public Safety Report 2022

Annual Report of Safety and Risk Officer 2022


Review of the Public Safety Report 2021

Annual Report of Safety and Risk Officer 2021


Review of the Public Safety Report 2020

Annual Report of Safety and Risk Officer 2020

Strategic Plan and Business Plan

The Strategic Plan is a longer-term plan that defines the major corporate goals over a multi-year period and the key strategies that will be used to achieve them. 

The annual Business Plan looks ahead and defines the objectives, budget and various activities that will be implemented during the fiscal year to support the goals in the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Plan

TSSA Strategic Plan 2023/2024 to 2027/2028 (pdf)

TSSA Strategic Plan 2017/2018 to 2021/2022 (pdf)*

Business Plan

TSSA Business Plan 2024/2025 (pdf)

TSSA Business Plan 2023/2024 (pdf)

TSSA Business Plan 2022/2023 (pdf)      

* TSSA extended the timeline of this Strategic Plan from five years to six during COVID-19 to ensure successful completion of its transformation into an Outcome-Based Regulator.

Key Performance Indicators

TSSA’s Key Performance Indicators and targets for each fiscal year are approved by the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery. Click here to download TSSA's latest Key Performance Indicators.

Customer Value Survey

TSSA engages a third-party research firm to complete periodically a survey of regulated entities in order to:

  • assess changes in TSSA’s Perceived Value and

  • provide actionable insight to support TSSA’s commitment to enhancing and maintaining value provided to TSSA customers.  

Customer Value Surveys

Customer Values Research Survey Results 2022 (pdf)

Customer Values Research Survey Results 2020 (pdf)

Customer Values Research Survey Results 2018 (pdf)  

Internal Audit of Compliance to Non-Regulatory Business Policy

Every year, an independent third party is engaged to conduct an annual audit on TSSA’s compliance with non-regulatory business policy arrangements that promote and enhance public safety. This is required by the Memorandum of Understanding between TSSA and the Ministry.  

Internal Audits of Compliance to Non-Regulatory Business Policy

Executive Summary - Annual Internal Audit of Compliance to Non-Regulatory Business Policy, 2022 (pdf)

Executive Summary - Annual Internal Audit of Compliance to Non-Regulatory Business Policy, 2021 (pdf)

Executive Summary - Annual Internal Audit of Compliance to Non-Regulatory Business Policy, 2020 (pdf)

TSSA Response to the Auditor General’s Recommendations

TSSA takes its accountability for administering Ontario’s public safety mandate very seriously. We are fully committed to our transformation to an Outcome-Based Regulator and sharing our priorities and progress.

On December 5, 2018, the Auditor General of Ontario issued her annual report. The report included the results of 15 value-for-money audits across Ontario. In her report, Ontario’s Auditor General made 19 recommendations to strengthen TSSA’s ability to effectively fulfil our mandate. Seventeen of the recommendations are directed at TSSA and are included in our report, along with details on our progress to date.

TSSA’s Action Plan to Address the Auditor General of Ontario Recommendations (pdf)

For archived reports not listed on this page, please contact us at: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­